Sustainable engineering conference – ESCAPE 33, 18-21 June 2023, Athens

Sustainable engineering conference – ESCAPE 33, 18-21 June 2023, Athens SusChem-AT 12. September 2022

Sustainable engineering conference – ESCAPE 33, 18-21 June 2023, Athens

The Sustainable Engineering conference (ESCAPE 33) will be held in Athens, June 18-21, 2023. The site is currently open ( awaiting abstracts and contributions.

It will be a real pleasure to welcome our SusChem community at this event.

On the day before the symposium, the venue is scheduled to run hands-on workshops that demonstrate state-of-the-art developments in modelling and optimization in the context of sustainable engineering, circular economy, and digitalization. The workshops will be delivered by a range of research teams and commercial software houses. During the symposium, the venue is scheduled to host reception events for international groups interested to share achievements and/or demonstrate software.

That could give an excellent opportunity to promote your institution, as well as initiatives related to sustainable development.